Saturday, May 23, 2009


It was one of those evenings, you know something is wrong and you just do not know, what it is. Just to convince yourself that everything is as fine as ever, you go out to dinner with friends; talk about life and all its goodness, return to your room, turn to your final call to know that the worst thing turned up- diarrhea!

Exams change lives(not as much as loose stools do) but diarrhea during exams; a ‘big’ yes. The change is crazy. Some people look into the metaphysical translucence and what responsibilities offer them. Social workers set out to advice their juniors What-Not-To-Do-In-The-Next semester. While ‘Men of the past’ recount their green ‘not chosen’ career, ‘Men of the future’ make the time table for the semester of tomorrow. Lovers of art love, sing, write and b.l.o.g.

You begin to wonder why every author turns emotional when it comes to writing- “ The Pharmacologial Basis Of Alcohols” and why, why in this whole damn world, Park in his “Preventive And Social Medicine” takes to understand the ‘feelings of the flea’ in starvation and its frantic efforts with its proventriculus blocked; in the spread of Plague, while Robbins and Cotran in their “Pathological Basis Of Disease” chose a full stop to it a paragraph ‘ago’.

You use the breaks between reading the biographies of incessant GODS [somebody said “ If all that is invisible is God, Bacteria suit as well”] to say a hello to your commode rather than playing a game of Nokia 1650 Cricket or checking out how your friend is coping with the mental torture.

You worry about people visiting to sympathize and take away your precious preparation time and worry if they do not visit coz’ you want to be cared. You hear the names of a large number of total alien twisted distorted drugs and appreciate the giant progress humanity has made.

You eat ‘nothing’. Either because each time you see the glory of food, you hear a voice from behind calling it a not-to-be-eaten-in-diarrhea or you wouldn’t want to walk out in the middle of a viva session asking permission to use the toilet as an ‘emergency’.

You feel the subtle differences in the pitch, quality and loudness of each voice answering to the attendance call in the exam hall.

You do not fart, as there is no guarantee that it is a fart. You discover yourself.

You learn to enjoy jokes better; such as,


di--ar--rhea. . .

Dude, its DOWN. What is UP?!

The alarm innocently blew off along with the seemingly all others in the hostel at once, unattended; I stopped it at the first ring as I watched the starless night take up the lighter shades of prismatic blue and realized that I haven’t slept all night and yet my eyes were not tired enough. I, then, succumbed to all those receptor agonists and antagonists; slept.

Perhaps sleeping is the element that takes man through the stages of evolution and probably the greatest contribution from ‘a’ man to the mankind till he figures out what Diarrhea 'actually' is and how on Earth can people die of it.

p.s. I got two days off for my Forensic Medicine and needed something to celebrate for “You-Know-Who” has finally gone away.

I have always been fascinated by the skies and the vastness beyond; therefore you find me gazing at it in all my blogs. . . :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Diarrhoea- The fourth leading cause of death in the 'developing' countries! ~1,793,000 deaths p.a