Monday, August 31, 2009

My Mental Journey [Day- 1]

A joke broke out into the thick humid air that was so heavily lightened that the fog in it was merely visible for the naked eye very close to it.

There was laughter. Then, there was more, all at once, with mouths wide open, each displaying the age-old primitive tools struck up their red bumpy fleshy fields.

The seemingly thinner taller man at the right corner of the Carom table slipped out his upper lateral incisor tinged with yellow like Gold. Next to him sat a plump seemingly shorter man who seemed curious about the carats but continued to laugh along to please the tall, visibly making efforts to pull down his lips to curtain his Tobacco- stained doorway.

Opposite to them sat their company who chuckled for what so reason unknown to them selves. The doctor stood by the doorway, silently watching them and from the angle of his mouth crawled out a smile that on trying to reenter through the cheeks produced a dimple.

They all looked to be enjoying their each own lil’ game.

Above them, overhanging the primeval wall, the once polished shiny chunk of wood now rendered a granular texture with fresh layers of dust stood as a blind witness unbiased and unread.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Casino Royale

Everybody wants miracles to happen. Everybody loses in a casino.
-Me, after losing.

The best prophylaxis to not lose is not to indulge in one just like Park suggests complete abstinence from sex. The beauty of this place is that everybody knows that there is one only lucky man among the bunch on the table and everybody think themselves as that lucky one. The rest lose as designed and make the casino richer. One lucky chance, one lucky opportunity and the very same unexplained luck that happens at birth, destiny and death. Here, it’s just with a few bucks.
It’s the miracles happening and the hope that keeps people going. It’s the one that doesn’t let your eyes close and races your heart even though you are half drunk and though you know its full of crap. It’s a casino. It’s luck. It’s high. It’s luck.
Even in those moments of extreme probability and insaneness, you still prefer to pick those lucky numbers yourselves and blame yourself for whatever is the result.

My failed numbers. . . 

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Pandemic Puke

"Hey, what's it all about with the Swine Flu?"


"Don't you worry.
It's just flu with not-so-understandable virus. . ."

another not-so-layman

The diction ran to save the fainted fallen fat plump lady.
The six foot tall man entered and stood before them.
He said "Nobody is going to die today."
He lifted her small frail hand; judged her pulses and tried to know her unconscious intentions and declared it as an emergency!
"Geeez" She shouted. " Where the hell are you guys carrying me?" She asked
"The hospital needs you" They collectively answered. She yelled a " Noo!' which rather seemed long.
"But why?"
" Its better to pass out here than to die of that strange P.I.G flu in the hospital there. . ." and the rest was a feeble mumble.
The intelligent someone asked "Did you mean the swine flu?"
"Hell yeah; yuck!" she replied with folds of disgust- three and half on her forehead and two on either side of her tiny nose.
She, then stood, shook to gather herself and left the crowd; dumbfound.

p.s. Based on a real life incident.
Infront of the SBI Atm Manipal @7:46pm.
The brave tall man chose to keep his identity; hidden.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A shake up!

Somebody, somewhere, once said; "It is when you create something, you know more about you; a lil' more than anybody else in this world. . ."
Passions of a true kind always jog through innovations.

The smile shutter camera- the one which, in its automatic photographer mode clicks the face; smiling as if asking; "Do you have a digitally recognizable smile?"

An iphone literally saw my jaw falling to the ground. I can never believe myself that such a thing could exist. Frankly, I think it has just traveled accidentally through a time hole from the next century.

Voice command module in our mac through which you can operate by word of mouth.
Softwares with which, you can flip through songs just by a flap of your hand and a blink hard enough without even touching the machine. you got to 'Awe Some'!

Home-made stuff is always relished, so, here are some . . .


Lounging comfortably on a Manipal Study cane chair with an comprehensible para from Robbins and Cotran- The PAthologiCal BasIs Of DiseaSe could be fatal.

Cause of death is a potentially dynamic combination of traumatic asphyxia( an angle created by the wooden plank and the tremendously humongous ~ 1.78 kg Robbins on top of it with the frail chest) and mental trauma (of course!)

Concept adopted from 'BURKING' (Forensic Medicine)- a combination of smothering and traumatic asphyxiation named after Burke and Hare who used to kill their victims by this method for the purpose of selling them to anatomical schools.

Raviteja's Sign Of Pyrexia ~ A Confirmatory Test For Fever.

[Actually designed in class six, just couldn't find the right words till professional college ;)]

When you have fever (well, I said confirmatory, Dint I?!)
Sit straight. Shake your head, completely, sideways, and vigorously to be precise. when you feel the dull diffuse ache in the head. . . Voila! there you go, YOU HAVE FEVER!

Modified Raviteja's Sign Of Pyrexia For Older People (who involuntary shake their heads for various unknown neuronal reasons!) is still in the experimental stages.


Founded by- AT
Developed by- IRT &
Typed by- TT!

There are things that you fantasize.
Fantasizing them makes you happy.
They may not be visibly present anywhere and everywhere;
But we fantasize them anyway because they make us happy.

p.s. Our business is to create.